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Learning from Other Communities: A Key to Solving Housing Challenges

Are you passionate about finding innovative solutions to attainable housing challenges? Do you believe in the power of collaboration and drawing inspiration from neighboring cities? If so, mark your calendars for April 25th and 26th, as the Upstate Housing Tour, presented by Truist, offers a transformative two-day exploration into tackling housing issues head-on.

In a world where attainable housing remains a pressing concern for many communities, it’s imperative to look beyond our immediate surroundings for inspiration and guidance. The Upstate Housing Tour provides exactly that opportunity, inviting business leaders and decision-makers to come together, learn from one another and explore innovative approaches from neighboring cities.

Day One of the tour promises an immersive experience as participants travel to Spartanburg, South Carolina, to witness firsthand the remarkable work being done in the realm of attainable housing. Spartanburg, with its unique set of challenges and successes, serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for those seeking practical solutions. From innovative housing developments to community-driven initiatives, there’s much to be learned from the experiences of this vibrant city.

Following a day filled with insights and exploration, the tour continues to Greenville, South Carolina, where participants will gather for dinner and an overnight stay at the Hyatt Regency Greenville. This evening provides a valuable opportunity for networking and informal discussions, fostering connections that can lead to collaborative efforts in the future.

Day Two is dedicated to diving deeper into the attainable housing efforts underway in Greenville. With its thriving economy and commitment to inclusive growth, Greenville serves as a model for sustainable urban development. From mixed-income housing projects to creative financing solutions, there’s no shortage of innovative strategies to explore and adapt to our own communities’ needs.

As the tour concludes and participants return to Charleston, they carry with them not only newfound knowledge but also a sense of inspiration and determination. By learning from the successes and challenges of neighboring cities, we empower ourselves to think creatively, collaborate effectively and drive meaningful change in our own communities.

The importance of learning from other communities cannot be overstated. In a world where solutions are rarely one-size-fits-all, drawing inspiration from diverse experiences is essential for addressing complex issues like attainable housing. The Upstate Housing Tour offers a platform for exactly that—bringing together leaders from different backgrounds and perspectives to exchange ideas, forge connections and pave the way for a brighter future.

So, join us on April 25th and 26th for a journey of discovery and collaboration. Together, let’s unlock the potential of our communities and build a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

You can learn more about the Upstate Housing Tour or register by visiting the event page.

Craig Logan, Housing Executive Fellow
Posted on
April 12th 2024
Written by
Daphne Johnson